The new and improved Bunbury 2014 Mobile App for iPhone and Android is available now! Includes Slacker Radio integration so you can sample some TUV tracks!
* We rock The Amphitheater Stage Friday 7/11 at 2PM!*
Info & tickets:
Cincy Plugged In Radio: Plug in to this week's #musicbiz topic of the day: “How to Prepare for Live Shows” feat. special guest - Stephen Campbell of The Upset Victory TODAY 5PM- 6PM EST. W/ over 10 years of experience in the music scene, Rock/Pop Group, #TheUpsetVictory, will share the top things musicians should keep in mind to have a killer show! You can live stream here: or use your TuneIn App on your android device. Keep it plugged in!
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We’re a featured artist on the coolest new music app on the market - Cyrano! Cyrano is a FREE social music app that allows you to have musical conversations w/ your friends!
Download in the app store today!
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Download the Bunbury Music Festival app today! Don’t forget to come see us at The Amphitheater Stage Sunday July, 14th @ 2:45PM.
Info & tickets here:
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